"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." — J.D. Rockefeller
“Your habits are perfectly designed to get the results you’re getting. If you want different results, you must build new habits.” This is quote is like stepping unexpectedly into an ice cold shower. The responsibility for our current situation is ours. You can't expect to reach your goals without putting the work in and making it a priority in your day. Do the work that matters and put your energy into the things that light you up and put you on the road to BEING YOU TO THE MAX.
Our days are controlled by tight schedules. Classes, Practices, Meetings, Inboxes all fill up our waking hours. The most important things in our lives are likely to not be showing up in our inbox or our daily schedules. Students and young athletes are no different. Add to it all the trappings of pre-teen and teenage life - YouTube, TikTok, snapchat, texting, gaming, friends, homework - - the hours slip away. Days become weeks. Weeks can become months - - and you can look around and realize that you are missing something or you haven’t moved or grown. The goal needs to be carve out time for the things that matter.
If you try to be great at everything and try to do everything - - you will make C’s in everything.
Focus on what matters to you - and make A’s in that. That will change your world.
That CHANGE can be difficult - - but it will be more difficult without change.
Scott O'Neil, CEO of the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils, sums this idea up in his new book BE WHERE YOUR FEET ARE. He calls this concept Focusing on your WMI - What's Most Important. Spend time to think about what is most important to you. It could be your family, your faith, your values. It is likely to be something that lights you up. Try to spend more time in that space. It won't be easy, but the more you are focused on your WMI and the happier you will be and you will be on the way to your own GREATNESS!