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Writer's picture: Ken ClarkKen Clark

Adam Grant’s most recent book is one that will not be forgotten any time soon. Think Again is a book for everyone. If we want to be our best self or bring out the best in others - we need to THINK AGAIN Think again about our career, our beliefs, our behanvior - - think again about almost everything.

So here is my most recent example… Thinking again about video games.

A quick scan into the home office yields a familiar sight. My teenage son hunkered down sitting square in front of the TV with massive headphones on and controller in hand. The banter ebbs and flows and volume rises and falls as the game progresses. While the video games have been in our house for some time, quarantine has magnified their role in the life of many young people. I’ll admit, peeking in and seeing a 14 year old in his pajamas, with a couple Gatorade bottles and granola bar wrappers strewn about makes me want to wag my finger and tell him to get outside and get some fresh air. “Go play some sports, go for a run, or get a workout in.” I wouldn’t be wrong about the movement and fitness - - but what I have been questioning is the bias or the stigma that I have placed on the video games. In my mind, Video Games were the enemy of achievement. Time spent playing video games meant time NOT SPENT on school work, reading, exercising, socializing or playing sport.

But - - I have come to realize that this is a THINK AGAIN situation.

I ran into two great pieces of content this past week about video games. One comes from the TED Business podcast and the other comes from the launch of David Beckham’s GUILD Academy. Adam Grant would be proud that this combined 20 min of listening has caused me to re-think my stance on video games. Stepping back and looking objectively, video games may actually be helping kids. Video Games were social refuge during quarantine. They allowed friends to stay in touch. They offered a burst of competitive energy when there were no other outlets. But now that youth sports are coming back to a more predictable level and schedule, the Video Games are still hanging around.

And now I think that is OK.

Video games provide the opportunity to develop the micro skills of hand eye coordination and problem solving. Gamers are driving hundreds commands per minute. The players are also strategizing. The games are changing. The game evolves almost every day and because there are multiple players - each game is different. You must constantly evolve the plan and your process to play the game well. The group environment most games are played in also brings many of the team skills into play like communication, leadership, decision making, and resilience. If we remove the words Fort Nite, League of Legends or Rocket League we would chomp at the bit at the bit to sign the kids up!

While I believe that young athletes have an amazing opportunity to develop leadership skills on the field of play, I am starting to see how the same opportunity exists in other areas like Video Games. Curious what you think after listening to these two segments. Enjoy and don’t be afraid to THINK AGAIN.

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